The Los Angeles Chapter publishes a monthly newsletter (except July, August). We hope to have almost all of it distributed electronically. This will mean faster and more current news at a great saving for the Chapter. When no Newsletter is published the Web home page will be archived as the newsletter for that month. Home pages will be archived as well on their own. Send your E-mail address to the Chapter Secretary ASAP. To navigate through the Newsletters: This newsletter (newslett.htm) page has a direct link to the current newsletter (click on the headline). Below that is a navigation bar (above) with oval buttons for home, archive, and one for each edition for the present year (click for the issue you want). Click on the archive button to see other past issues. That will give you the ARCHIVE.htm page. The first issue of each chapter year is listed. The first issue (usually September) has a navigation bar for the rest of that year's issues. Many of the issues have been loaded in a form that allows searching from the search box in the left margin. However, some of the Newsletters are posted as pure images, and these cannot be searched.