Generally the Los Angeles Chapter covers Los Angeles County East of the Golden State Freeway and Santa Ana Freeway (I-5), and South and East of the ridge of the Santa Monica Mountains as far south as the Anderson Freeway (I-105).

Due to the dissolution of the Arrowhead Chapter, the Los Angeles Chapter now includes San Bernardino County.  By act of the Executive Board on 7/24/08, a petition to establish a Section in the new territory has being submitted.  So far the nascent Section has conducted meetings and a well attended seminar.  Don Kramer, Bob D'Amato, Melanie Cruse, and many others worked to ensure that our Members in the added new territory are being well served.

With the Section approved, the official name is Inland Empire Section.

The territory was originally a part of the Los Angeles Chapter.  It was ceded to the Tri-County Chapter (Now Orange County Chapter) which created the Section that became the Arrowhead Chapter.  Essentially everything north and east of the Santa Ana Canyon to the San Diego County line became the Arrowhead Chapter.

Section By-laws:




Bylaws Adopted ____________________

Bylaws Approved by the Regional Vice President


________________________________________ _______________

(Regional Vice President Signature) (Date)

Section Chartered


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Inland Empire Section of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers.

Section 2. Hereinafter, the Inland Empire Section will be referred to as Section, the Los Angeles Chapter will be referred to as the Chapter, and the American Society of Safety Engineers will be referred to as the Society.


Section 1. The purpose of this Section will be to promote the advancement of the safety profession and safety professionals and development of its members in the geographical area served.

Section 2. In fulfilling its purpose, the Section shall have the following objectives within the geographical area:

a) To develop and promote educational programs for obtaining the knowledge required to perform the functions of a safety professional.

b) To develop and disseminate locally, information and materials that will carry out the purposes of the Section, the Chapter, the Society, and serve the public.

c) To provide and/or support forums for the interchange and acquisition of professional knowledge among its members.

d) To foster liaison with local organizations of related disciplines.

e) To inaugurate and implement programs and projects that is consistent with the purposes of the Section, the Chapter and the Society.

f) To conduct its affairs in a manner that will reflect the standards, purposes and objectives of the Society.


Section 1. Membership in the Section is open to those individuals who are members of the Chapter and Society in good standing and who are located within the Section's geographical area or request membership in it. All members of the Section shall be members of the Society.

Section 2. Membership is personal and not transferable.

Section 3. All Section members are eligible to vote on all matters submitted to the Section membership.


Section 1. The Section is a not-for-profit organization approved for affiliation by the Chapter Executive Committee and the Regional Operating Committee. It shall operate in accordance with Chapter and Society Bylaws.

Section 2. In order to maintain its Certificate of Affiliation, the Section shall have a minimum of 10 active members.

Section 3. The Section is located within the Chapter's geographical area, in San Bernardino County, State of California of Region 1, and the Section's geographical area is defined as follows, including the San Bernardino County postal zip codes as noted:


92278 91701 91709 91710 91730 91737 91739
91743 91761 91762 91763 91764 91773 91784
91786 92242 92252 92256 92267 92268 92277
92280 92284 92285 92301 92304 92305 92307
92308 92313 92314 92315 92316 92317 92321
92324 92325 92332 92333 92335 92336 92337
92338 92339 92341 92342 92345 92346 92352
92354 92356 92358 92359 92368 92371 92372
92373 92374 92376 92377 92382 92386 92391
92392 92394 92395 92397 92399 92401 92404
92405 92407 92408 92410 92411 92309 92364
92310 92311 92312 92386 92318 92304 92322
91708 92323 92326 92327 92407 92242 92301
92331 92334 92310 92394 92313 92324 92341
92340 92344 92347 92308 93558 92285 92309
92285 92352 92350 92357 92366 91759 92407
92363 92338 92365 92338 92365 92364 92399
92344 91758 92369 92329 92372 91701 91729
93558 92375 92378 92382 92412 92413 92414
92415 92418 92423 92424 92427 92385 92406
92395 93562 93592 92277 92278 91785 92393
92280 92398 92286 -------- -------- -------- --------

Section 4. A Section Operating Committee shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Section. It shall be responsible for the supervision and care of all property, have full authority to commit the Section to action in consonance with resolutions adopted at meetings of the Section, and may cooperate with other organizations on such basis that will not impair the ability of the Section to pursue its purposes independently.

Section 5. A majority of the Section Operating Committee present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6. The Section Operating Committee shall consist of the Elected Officers, and the most recent past Chairperson and the Member-at-Large.

Section 7. Each major objective as listed in Article II, Section 2 of these Bylaws shall be under the supervision of either a Section officer or an appointed Committee Chairperson.

Section 8. Section officers shall be elected by members of the Section.

Section 9. The Section activity year shall be from July 1 to June 30.


Section 1. Elected officers of the Section shall be:





Section 2. Each elected Section officer shall be a Society member for one year prior to taking office; exceptions must be approved by the Chapter Executive Committee and the Regional Vice President. However, only a Professional Member or Member may hold the office of Chairperson.

Section 3. The Chairperson shall:

a) Preside at regular and special meetings of the Section Operating Committee and the membership.

b) Serve as the Section's official representative to the Chapter Executive Committee.

c) Represent the Section at meetings of other organizations where official representation of the Section is desirable.

d) Provide leadership for programs and activities for the Section during the term of office.

e) Appoint such committees as are necessary to implement the objectives of the Section.

f) Submit Annual Report of Section activities to the Chapter and the Regional Vice President by July 15.

g) Submit the names of Section officers elected for the ensuing year promptly to the Chapter, for inclusion in the report to Society Headquarters.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:

a) Maintain Section records and correspondence.

b) Record and distribute minutes of Section meetings and Section Operating Committee meetings.

c) Notify Section members of meetings.

d) Retain custody of the Section Charter.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

a) Maintain all financial records of the Section.

b) Supervise the receipt and disbursement of funds as directed by the Section Operating Committee.

c) Maintain Section funds in a depository approved by the Section Operating Committee. Section funds will be maintained with Chapter depository with separate line item within Chapter budget.

d) By May 1, transmit to the Chapter the audited income & expense statement for the fiscal year ending March 31, for inclusion in the Chapter annual financial report.

Section 6. The Member-at-Large shall:

Succeed to the Office of the Chairperson at the end of the current term and

Serve as Chairperson for the upcoming term.

b) Succeed to the office of Chairperson and carry out its duties if the Chairperson is unable to serve.

c) Assume responsibilities for the work of Committees as assigned by the Chairperson.

d) Assume responsibilities for the Chairperson as necessary.


Section 1. The most recent Past Chairperson available to serve shall be the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee. The Committee, including the Chairperson, will consist of no less than two (2) nor more than five (5) members. One member shall be selected by the current Section Chairperson and the balance by the Committee Chairperson. Newly nominated candidates and candidates for non-succeeding officer positions may not serve on the Nominations & Elections Committee.

Selection of the Committee Members shall be completed no later than the first Section Operating Committee meeting of each calendar year and duly recorded. The full final Nominations & Elections Committee must approve the slate of officer candidates.

Section 2. The Section Nominating Committee shall select qualified candidates for all elective offices. Candidates' names and qualifications shall be published and distributed to the Section membership at least 60 days in advance of the election.

Section 3. Section members may submit a signed petition nominating an individual for elective office. The petition will require 3 signatures to be valid. The petition shall be accompanied by a written acceptance by the nominee(s) and shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the Nominations & Elections Committee 30 days in advance of the election. The names and qualifications of such nominees shall be published and distributed to the membership at least 15 days prior to the election.

Section 4. The term of elected Section officers shall be for one year beginning July 1.

Section 5. Election of officers for the ensuing year shall be held at the April meeting. If there is more than one candidate for any office, election shall be by written ballot. If there is only one candidate for an office, election may be by voice vote.

Section 6. In the event a quorum is not present at the meeting a special mail ballot will be sent to the Section Members and a return of at least 20% of the Section membership is required. The ballot process should take less than 30 days with at least 15 days as a minimal period for response from the members.

Section 7. Removal of elected Section officers shall be by vote of Section members at any regular or special meeting upon presentation of a signed petition from either the Section Operating Committee, or 5 voting members of the Section. Notification of such meeting shall be mailed to each member at least 30 days in advance of the date of the meeting. Committee Chairpersons appointed by elected officers or the Section Operating Committee may be removed by the officer on the Section Operating Committee who appointed them.

Section 8. Vacancies in elected Section offices shall be filled by the succession designated in the various officer descriptions. If no succession is designated, or the designated successor declines to accept the position, the position shall be filled in the way specified below, according to the position and timing of the vacancy.

a) Should a vacancy occur in any elected office, including Secretary or Treasurer or any others, (Sections are encouraged to designate specific elected positions), except Chairperson. The Chairperson shall appoint, with the approval of the Section Operating Committee, an eligible member (see Article V, Section 2) to fill the unexpired term of office, giving special consideration to current committee Chairpersons and experienced Section leaders who have recently completed their terms of office.

b) Should a vacancy occur early in the term, in the office of the Chairperson:

The Secretary or Treasurer shall:

Appoint a special Nominating Committee.

Publish notification of the election and the slated nominees for office at least 15 days in advance of the Section meeting at which the election is to be held.

Receive at the Section meeting any additional nominating petitions as may be rendered, and signed by the number of Professional Members and Members specified in Article VI, Section 3.

Conduct a voice vote at the Section meeting if there is only one nominee and a written ballot if there is more than one nominee for office.

(e) The successful candidate shall assume office immediately on election.

Section 9. Vacancies in appointed offices shall be filled for their unexpired term by appointees of the Chairperson then in office, with the approval of the Section Operating Committee.

Section 10. (Inability to serve) If after election, but prior to taking office, an officer is unable to serve for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner set forth in this Article.


Section 1. Each member, except Students, Emeritus and Honorary Members shall be assessed annual dues as stated in the Chapter Bylaws.

Section 2. All Society and Chapter dues shall be paid annually in advance by the anniversary of each member's election date.


Section 1. Sections shall meet at least six times per year and four of the meetings shall be technical meetings. Technical meetings are those that define or discuss methods, procedures, systems, devices and/or standards toward the reduction, control or elimination of hazardous exposures to people, property or the environment, and which foster the technical, scientific, and managerial knowledge and skills of attendees.

Section 2. Special meetings of members may be called by the Section Operating Committee. The notice calling such a meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting; such notice to be sent to each member at least two weeks in advance.

Section 3. Five active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting.

Section 4. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the transaction of business at all meetings of the Section unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

Section 5. Section Operating Committee meetings shall be conducted at least six times per year and the Chairperson will preside over the meeting. These meetings are necessary for managing the Section including finance reports, strategic plans, governmental affairs, membership growth and other business items needed to manage the Section successfully.


Section 1. The Section may be dissolved by Section members in the following manner:

a) A resolution to dissolve the Section shall be acted upon at a meeting of the Section Operating Committee. The resolution shall set forth the reasons for dissolution.

b) Within 30 days following the Section Operating Committee action, a mail ballot shall be sent to all Section members setting forth the reasons for the dissolution. Thirty (30) days after the ballots are mailed, they shall be counted by the Section Operating Committee. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required for approval of the action.

c) Upon the adoption of the resolution to dissolve, the officers shall carry out the dissolution of the Section in conformance with applicable laws and Chapter and Society Bylaws.

Section 2. If a Section Operating Committee no longer exists or conditions preempt the implementation of the preceding Section, a Section member may make a recommendation for dissolving a Section to the Chapter Executive Committee, Regional Vice President for their review. The final dissolution must be approved by the Regional Operating Committee.

Section 3. The Section may be dissolved by the Chapter Executive Committee, with the concurrence of the Regional Operating Committee, after failure of the Section to conform to minimum Society requirements for Section activities or upon performance of actions contrary or detrimental to the Society and after a reasonable probation period. Upon notice, the officers shall carry out the dissolution of the Section. Any funds remaining in the Section treasury shall be transferred to the Chapter.

Section 4. The official Society symbol may be used by the Section on correspondence, publications and other official documents, in accordance with the provisions for use and reproduction in the Society Bylaws.

Section 5. Any fund-raising projects or activities shall be limited to those activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Society and the Section.

Section 6. Section officers shall assure retention of needed Section and membership records by adhering to the following record retention periods. Officers having charge of these records are authorized to dispose of the records at the end of the required retention period.

Minutes of meetings - permanently, (recommended by Society auditors).

b) Correspondence - two years following completion of the Section year.

c) Financial Records - seven years following completion of the Section year.


Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Section Operating Committee or by 3 Section Professional Members and / or Members. Amendments proposed by the latter shall be presented to the Section Operating Committee.

Section 2. The Section Operating Committee shall publish any proposed amendments to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which action will be taken.

Section 3. Amendments shall be voted on at a regular or special Section meeting at which action will be taken if a quorum is present. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote is required for approval.

Section 4. All amendments to these Bylaws will become effective after approval by the Chapter Executive Committee and the Area Director/Regional Vice President.

Approved by the Chapter Executive Board, May 12, 2009


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