Los Angeles City Hall L.A. Chapter ASSE American Society of Safety EngineersASSE National Headquarters Registered Service Mark Norman ShieldASSELA



    The Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers has been Chartered since 1946 to serve the needs of the Safety Profession in the Los Angeles Area and to foster the Professional Development and Well-being of its Members. The American Society of Safety Engineers -- Protecting People, Property,and the Environment Since 1911.
















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COMING SOON!        

The 23-minute video on the first 50 years of the Los Angeles Chapter.  The webmaster is having a bit of difficulty adapting it for the web.  Bear with us, and watch this space for when the video is up and running.

Los Angeles Chapter ASSE History.

The end of the Second World War brought a surge of population and industry to supply the new residents to the Southern California Area.  With the conversion from military production to civilian goods and services came a need for greater safety and the personnel to provide it.

The Safety Engineers who were here with the war effort and the newcomers gathered at the Roger Young Auditorium for the first meeting of the newly chartered Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers.  This was in 1946.  The Charter Certificate was delivered in 1948 and is so dated.

Only one of the founding members is still regularly active in the Chapter.  This is Joe Kaplan, Retired President and CEO of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Safety Council.  Joe was recently recognized for his over 60 years of work in the Safety Profession as he was made a fellow of the Institute for the Advancement of Engineering in Los Angeles.  Joe received his ASSE 25 year certificate back in 1982.  Recently, Joe has been serving ASSELA as the Public Relations Chair. Joe was awarded the J. Wesley Gebb Memorial Award in 2005.  The Chapter celebrated his 95th birthday with him at the June, 2009 meeting.

Recent years have seen many changes in the Los Angeles Area that have affected Chapter activities.  The auto industry and many of its suppliers have shut down.  The aerospace industry has consolidated and moved out of town.  Insurance has dispersed from the Wilshire district, and banking has been bought out and moved out of Downtown.  Heavy industry like metal producers have vanished from the near east side, as have many food companies, as lower shipping costs and environmental regulations have forced them to close or relocate.


Chapter General Chairmen and Presidents:

[ Note: Designations (CSP, PE, etc) reflect those held during their active tenure with ASSELA.  They may not reflect current status. ]

1946 - B. F. McDonald (General Chairman)

1947 - Jack Hutton

1948 - A. W. Turner

1949 - Norman R. Copeland

1950 - Lee B. Johnson, PME

1951 - Carl E. Johnson, PME

1952 - John Juli (National ASSE President 1958-59)

1953 - Charles A. Bonner, PE, CSP, PME

1954 - Mal Naughten

1955 - T. D. (Lynn) Masters (Builder of the GAVEL)

1956-57 - Alfred M. Noyes

1957-58 - Stanley W. Parsons, CSP, PM (Cadell Award Year) (d)

1958-59 - Donald A. Linn, PE, CSP, PM

1959-60 - Carl M. Parham, PME

1960-61 - Thomas H. Jay

1961-62 - Harold I. Hemphill

1962-63 - John J. Over, PE, CSP, PME

1963-64 - Frank O. Haymond, Jr.

1964-65 - Paul R. Joefener, CSP

1965-66 - William W. Donnelly, CSP, PM

1966-67 - William K. Bennett, PE, CSP, PM

1967-68 - Edwin E. Wade, CSP, PM

1968-69 - James H. Skitt, CSP, PM (ASSE Region II V.P.)

1969-70 - Kingsland M. Frost, CSP, PM

1970-71 - Peter Ellis, PE, CSP, PM

1971-72 - Phillip G. McKellar, PE, CSP, PM (d)

1972-73 - Sam M. Monson, PE, CSP, PM

1973-74 - John L. Rheinheimer, PE, CSP, PM

MMARINO.bmp (22990 bytes) 1974-75 - Martin A. Marino, PE, CSP (Retired), PM, (ASSE Region II V.P. 78-82, Divisions V.P., Membership V.P., Trustee-ASSE Foundation) (d)

1975-76 - James T. Hamilton, PM (d)

1976-77 - Ray Chace, PE, CSP, PM

1977-78 - Herald J. (Jim) Koonz, PE, CSP, PM (d)

HOLLIDAY.bmp (31326 bytes) 1978-79 - Lloyd Holliday, PE, CSP, PM (d)

1979-80 - John S. Lukas, PE, CSP, PM

ORMSBY.bmp (23366 bytes) 1980-81 - Louis Ormsby, PE, CSP, PM

THOMPSON.bmp (31630 bytes) 1981-82 - Donn Thompson, PE, CSP, PM (d)

PRESTOBW.bmp (8374 bytes) 1982-83 - Jay W. Preston, PE, CSP, PM  (ASSE Division V.P. 87-88).                                                  

  • Future Chapter President, Hector Escarcega, joins ASSE. 
  • Joe Kaplan receives 25-year Certificate.
  • Past presidents Ed Wade and Bill Bennett receive 25-year certificates.
  • Title act protection for Safety Engineers affirmed after challenge.

WALLACE.bmp (22990 bytes) 1983-84 - Tom Wallace, PE, CSP, PM

  • ASSELA  works with Red Cross for Olympics Safety

PORT.bmp (31630 bytes) 1984-85 - Gene Port, PE, CSP, CIH, PM

MACENSKI.bmp (96782 bytes) 1985-86 - Allen G. Macenski, CSP, JD, PM (National ASSE President 90-91)

1986-87 - John O’Toole, PE, CSP, PM

HUBER.bmp (24374 bytes) 1987-88 - Eugene Huber, PE, CSP, PM

HOLEHOUSE.bmp (24374 bytes) 1988-89 - Paul Holehouse, CSP, PM

1989-90 - Raymond Roth, PM (d)

COWDEN.bmp (24374 bytes) 1990-91 - Peter Couden, PM

1991-92 - John Phillips, CSS, CM, PM

MCNAMERA.bmp (23234 bytes) 1992-93 - Dave McNamera, PM

WONG.bmp (21714 bytes) 1993-94 - Bill Wong, PE, CSP, PM

BLANTON.bmp (23234 bytes) 1994-95 - Carlton Blanton,, PE, CSP, PM (d)

RAY.bmp (23234 bytes) 1995-96 - Robert Ray, PE, CSP, PM

1996-97 - Gloria Teper, MA, CIAQM, CSP, PM

  • ASSELA Celebrates Golden Anniversary

GRIMALDI.bmp (32542 bytes) 1997-98 - Barbara Grimaldi, PM

1998-99 - Robert Sautter, PE, CSP, PM

GRIEB.bmp (8222 bytes) 1999-2000 - Bill Grieb, CSP, PM (d)

2000-2001 - Hector Escarcega, CSP, PM

2001-2002 - Bill Taylor, CSP, PM

  • Chapter Achievement Award Year

2002-2003 - Robert D'Amato, CSP, PM (d)

2003-2004 - Don Kramer, CHCM, ARM, PM

  • SPALW Begins at Las Vegas PDC

2004-2005 - Patrick Williams

  • SPALW goes nationwide. ASSELA hosts 2 SPALW events

2005-2006 - Faye Wannlund

2006-2007 - Louis Therrien, CSP, ARM, PM

  • Chapter Achievement Award Year (Bright Star)

2007-2008 - John Edward "Ed" Becker, CIH, CSP, PhD, PM

2008-2009 - Enrique G. "Rick" Garcia, PM

  • Chapter Achievement Award Year (Chapter Star)

2009-2010 - Jane Bartlett, CSP, PM


Past Presidents at our Chapter’s 60th Anniversary Dinner in January of 2006

  • Ormsby, Preston, Teper, Williams, Holehouse, O'Toole, Taylor, Wong, Marino, D'Amato, Kramer, Sautter. 



Send mail to the webwhiz at prestonoidaol.com with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2000-2010 ASSELA Los Angeles Chapter ASSE. The ASSE "Norman Shield" is a registered service mark.