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SPALW Group (Safety Professionals and Latinos in the Workplace)
"Safety for Latinos in the Workplace"
Thursday - November 18th
Dr. John Howard, MD, Director, NIOSH-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
5332 Stevens Place
Commerce, CA 90040
"Latino immigrants are at much greater risk of dying on the job in the USA than native or other foreign-born workers. Their mortality rates have been higher than 6 deaths per 100,000 workers for five consecutive years despite the US population growing safer overall."
Bureau of Labor Statistics"This is the launch of Safety Professionals and Latinos in the Workplace, or SPALW. Our nationwide initiative is to address the alarming injury trends in the Latino Community."
Hector Escarcega, MSIH, CSP, ARMChair, SPALW Program, American Society of Safety Engineers
Conference Schedule Below Includes Conference Handouts and Literature to Attendees!
Conference Leaders: Meet These Professionals Who Are Present at This Conference!
Dr. John Howard, MD, JD, Director, NIOSH-National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
Patrick D. Williams, CHMM, CAC, CLC, President, ASSE Los Angeles Chapter
Hector M. Escarcega, CSP, ARM, MSIH, President, Bilingual Solutions and Full Esteem Ahead Seminars
Guillermo "Bill" Taylor, CSP, Safety Officer, City of Burbank, Your Master of Ceremonies and Magician
Hank Cierpick. Sr. Investigator, Centers for Disease Control and the NIOSH FACE Program
Teresa Deanda, Founder, Californians for Pesticide Reform
A First Time Event!
"Safety for Latinos in the Workplace"
An Exciting, Overdue, and Valuable Conference to Look at the Issues, challenges and some strategies for overcoming communication barriers while working with this ever increasing and valuable Spanish speaking workforce.
Are you clearly communicating with your Spanish-speaking employees or are there some barriers? Workplace statistics show that Spanish-speaking employees are hardworking, loyal, intelligent, ready, willing and able. Unfortunately, however, Spanish speaking employees also have the highest fatality rate in the nation. Why? Does you company employ a Latino workforce? Would you like to have better communicate with your Spanish speaking workforce in order to prevent injuries and increase employee morale and productivity?
According to US census, native Spanish-speaking workers totaled 38.3 million or about 14% of the total population of the United States in the year 2001-02. Today’s Latino worker makes up a big part of our nation’s workforce. Statistics show that in states like California, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Colorado and Kentucky. Hispanic/ Latino workers make up greater than 50% of the workforce. Part of the communication problem shows that some of the primary reasons consist of cultural, training, and language barriers.
Here is what you can expect to obtain by attending this conference-
Who Should Attend?
This conference will provide valuable and timely information for anyone who works with, supervises or directs Spanish-speaking employees. This includes Managers, Supervisors, Safety Directors, Safety Coordinators, Union Representatives, Human Resource Specialists, Personnel Analysts, Training Companies, Trainers, Risk Managers, Loss Control Representatives, Insurance Company Personnel, Insurance Brokers and any others who are interested in making a positive difference while working with their Spanish-speaking workforce.
THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIES SHOULD ATTEND: Construction, Contractors, Gardening/ Landscaping, Agriculture, Hotel/ Hospitality, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Public Agency, Others.
Due to the high interest in this timely topic and the lineup of speakers, this conference is expected to sell out quickly! Seating is Limited. Take advantage of the low fee "early bird" registration. Sign up now - don't be left out! Registration form is on the next page…
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